Yesterday, there was no water at work. All day. On the whole property. it turns out that when the temperatures dip down to Ten-Degrees Fahrenheit water pipes have a tendency to burst open. Tank you to the three maintenance men that worked all day in very cold temperatures to get things fixed up. When I left at ten-pm the Independent building had water, but not the other cottages. I'm really hoping that has been resolved by now because having to tell my residents (and staff) that they can't flush the toilet is quite unpleasant...
Enough about that. The Christmas knits are coming along. I'm about halfway finished. I'm looking at the calendar and wondering if everything will be knitted up, baked, and given out by the 25th. I am still trying to convince myself that if it doesn't all get done by my deadline, the world will still turn, people will still talk to me and there is always the postal service if something needs shipping, say next July.
I'm not really sure what the temperature is supposed to be today, but I think the high is predicted somewhere around 35-Degrees Fahrenheit. Leg warmers have always seemed a little dorky to me, but with the cold lately, I'm strongly considering making myself a pair or three...
Have a lovely Monday. I'll be at work (hopefully with water and less stress than last night) ad at some point there will be tea and knitting. Right now, Dorito is pining for some attention.