Monday, April 21, 2014

It Is a Monday

Mondays tend to get a bad rap from people. They are busy and the start of a new week full of projects, appointments and catching up (or letting go) on the housework. However, I have a rotation at work that occasionally allows Mondays to be Fridays. Today is one such day. It's a half shift at work, then off to play bunco. The next two days are mine to whatever I want.

Plans have been made for a visit to the dentist, coffee with a friend, catching up on housework, and of course, knitting. Dorito has been a very good boy lately, he has found a new way to drive me bonkers by hopping up on the counter, to the fridge, before settling himself on the cupboards above the stove. I will post a photo later.

Happy Monday!

P.S.- there is a wee baby sweater in the works- the sleeves are all that remain to finish it...

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How Much Longer?

This past week as I sat vomiting up my morning cheerios, I was wondering two things: 1) Is there a way to bring a child into this world without the nausea that is morning sickness? and 2) Why not?

Alex has been wonderful, holding my hair back, rubbing my back, reminding me that soon we will have a little on to snuggle with. I love my husband, and I couldn't ask for better support while preparing for a life of motherhood.

In knitting news, the following events have occurred:

1) I have started a wee sweater, liteweight wool and good for those cool but not frightfully cold days we will be outside.

2) There is also a wee hat on the needles, not as far along as the sweater, but progress is progress...

3) Dorito keeps running off with the tiny socks I have been stitching up. Alex says that baby won't have anything to keep their feet warm if this keeps up. Suggestions?

It's a lovely morning. Go out and enjoy some fresh air and as always, happy knitting :)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

A Few Facts

1) It is 7am on a Saturday and my day off and I am here at my little electronic box writing a blog post.

2) It is too early to be up and writing blog posts.

3) There is a list of housework that needs to be done today that I didn't get done yesterday because the list of things that needed to be knitted was longer, and far more interesting.

4) This is one of the wee things I was knitting yesterday:
a wee (and very cute) pair of booties for the small one.

5) There is not enough yarn to knit a second bootie.

6) I do not care. There is plenty of other wool in the stash to make many, many booties.

7) This list is dragging on.

8) Here are a few photos from the beach trip. Have a good day and happy knitting.

We had lunch at Moe's. Of course.

The seagulls will flock anywhere people are willing to drop some food.

This is a taffy maker. He's holding some blue raspberry taffy in the making.

There was a yarn shop just around the corner from where we were staying. I will let the photo tell the rest of the story...

There is an elephant ear place in Seaside. These were not all mine, I had two eating companions.

This lovely lady had her baby just a few weeks before the retreat and wasn't able to join us. Look at that happy smile. And that adorable sweater set...

Friday, April 4, 2014

Baby Update

Today Alex and I heard the heartbeat of our little one. It was very faint and brief but it was there. It was amazing. It's like waking up to a dream that is so real and vivid. This little life growing inside of me is still so tiny but so precious. I'm eleven weeks along right now and still a bit nauseaous, but that will pass in time. While we wait for the arrival of this new life, Alex and I are preparing our home, making lists, thinking of things to knit (that last one is more on my mind, than on his, but still....)

There is a long road to go yet, but we are so excited to be travelling it together. I will keep you all posted. Oh! There was a retreat this past weekend at the beach, I'll post photos of that later on.