Sunday, November 30, 2014

One Month

It has been a whole month since we brought home our tiny baby. I'm amazed by how quickly it has gone and even more amazed how much he has grown! Michael is taking his morning nap right now and is bundled warm in (what else?) a nice little handknitted sweater. Soon we will be leaving for church and that means going out into the cold. I'm wearing a lovely wooly around my neck and I must say that the effect is quite cozy.

The little one is making noises, I should go check on him. I'll try to post more as soon as I can. Love to you all and happy knitting!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Another One

Today Michael has been fussy. Not the kind of fussy where he is screaming and won't stop, just the kind where he just wants to snuggle all day and not be put down. So, it was a successful day in the Land of Knitting. The sweater is finished.

It started out like so

Then it was seamed and the buttons were added

And now it looks like this

It is warm and wooly and has plenty of growing room for the wee one. Becuase I know someone will ask, the yarn is from Knitpicks and is the Worsted Weight Wool of the Andes. This particular wool is not machine washable, but they do offer that as an option. I modified This Pattern slightly. The neck turned out a little wonky (by which I mean that the child wearing it would need to have the neck measurements of a bird in order to fit comfortably). Other than that, I think it turned out well.

This was taken shortly after we brought Michael home. It is possibly the only photo we took of him in the pumpkin where he is not screaming at us to get him out...

Happy Knitting! Supposedly we are still on a "Snow Watch" so if we do get anything, enjoy it.

P.S.- Thank you Aunty Heather and Uncle Jonathan for carving that pumpkin. The photos will probably turn up at some point to embarress the child. What are parents for after all if not to annoy their children?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Happy Mama

This past was lovely. Here's why:
Michael met his great-grandfather for the first time- they became instant buddies.

We took a 4-generation photo. Great-Grandma wasn't able to be there for this one, so we will try again.

Michael went to his first church service. The ladies oohed and ahhed over him....

I'm working on (another) pint-sized sweater. It is nearing the finishing stages so when that's all wrapped up, I'll post photos. The weathermen are  predicting a bit of snow for tomorrow so here's to hoping for Michael's first romp in the stuff. There are plenty of kandknits around here to bundle him up in for however brief we have it. What are you all knitting these days? I'm preparing to do some perusing of knitpicks for a bit of early Christmas shopping.

Monday, November 3, 2014


The best way to do this post is via photos. We are home now and are enjoying our time as a new family. Michael Jefferson was born on the 24th of October and is a healthy beautiful baby. We are so happy to be home (after the first 24 hours at the birth center, we were a little antsy to sleep in our own bed...)

Our first family photo

Sleepy baby....

Remember this hat? Alex picked it out.

This child will learn how to knit. I think if we keep all things knitted and wooly around him he will absorb the skill via osmosis. Or something...

This was handknit with love by his mama. We wore it on our walk yesterday morning. It's a perfect fit. I thought it might be too big.

Alex made me a snack while I nursed the wee one. See the smiley face? 

I'm not spending much time on the computer these days now that we have a little one to care for; but I will try to keep everyone updated as best I can. Cheers and happy knitting!