Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Still Here

Hello my dears! Right now I am enjoying a break from the wee boy that is my son. Actually, it's only sort of a break, as he is lying not ten feet away and finally taking his morning nap. For being three months old, Michael is rather opinionated and was very vocal about not wanting to fall asleep. His sleeping schedule has been a bit challenging lately. But when we finally get him down for his naps, I know that there are exactly forty-seven minutes that are mine, all mine. Give or take a few.

I use this time to catch up on the knitting, the house work, and if I'm lucky, a shower or the cooking. It's exhausting, it's messy, and hard work, but being a mama is absolutely a wonderful gift.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Knitting Friends! I hope you all had a safe and lovely celebration. Michael celebrated with the tiniest bit of "sparkly juice" (what Alex calls sparkling cider) and a nap. We had a nice time ringing in 2015.

I wish you all well as we begin this new year. May it be full of blessings, laughter, joy and good things.

I made soup the other night and this is what I found in the pot. I had forgotten that I hid it in there- safekeeping from the cat...

This is the obligatory naked baby picture. Someday he will bring home a girl and I will show her this...