Thursday, May 28, 2015

I'll Take It

These have been challenging days in the Daniecki home. This little dumpling has been awake at all hours of the night and up bright and early (this morning, it was 5am). 

I'm sure that I have mentioned a few times on this blog that motherhood is demanding and very exhausting. It's interesting, it's not at all what I had imagined it to be like. Neither is marriage. When I was a little girl I knew that I wanted to be a wife and a mother but I learned quickly that those two things are very different from the games of dress up, playing house, and walking the dollies that filled the time of the only three girls in our family when we were together.

I longed to be married and to have a child. I wanted to be the smiling wife that would cook delicious meals for her man and the charming mama that would dote upon her children and bake cookies for their little friends when they came over. Then it happened.

Fast-forward several years and here we are. My dreams have come true and I am indeed a wife and a mother, but not that stereotypical lady from the 1950s that has it all together. No, that is definately not me.

My hair is never coiffed (no time for the beauty parlor), the house never smells like cookies (instead, there is potpourri hidden in clever places to cover up the small of Michael's latest diaper blow-out), and Alex has come to accept that our usual dinner hour is around 11pm.

There are mountains of laundry (sometimes clean and just needing to be put away), the dishes are constantly piled up, and the cat, well, the cat has learned to fend for himself. 

But, despite the frazzled theme that is my life, I'll take it. I'll take it because it is by far the biggest blessing I have been given. It is a gift to have a child, a home together, and a man that understands and doesn't say anything when he has no clean socks and I burned dinner again because the baby needed some attention. I'll take it because it is mine.

Enjoy your day and enjoy the little video below- outside time is one of Michael's favorite things to do.

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Yesterday our family got some lovely news. About Easter time we learned that another great-grandbaby is on the way and yesterday we learned that the wee child is a boy. Liam will be joining the Headrick family in October and his parents (my cousin Amy and her man, Stephen) couldn't be happier.

This is all so exciting. This is a new year full of new blessings and it's wonderful to see the family growing. Of course, this means that another sweater (or twelve) will be in the works (including the one my mum is stitching up for her). Michael will have another playmate, and Grandma will have one more reason to get out of bed each morning and fight her Alzheimer's.

These are good changes. Now, if you will excuse me, there is a sweater that needs to be cast on.

Friday, May 15, 2015


We had a rough start to today. Alex is sick, Michael has been fussy (teething pain is awful) and Rito just wants attention. Right now, they are all sleeping and I am so thankful! I am updating my blog, enjoying the peace, and having a bit of a knit on something wee to keep my son warm. We are all settled into our new home and are enjoying the extra space. The garden this year is more of an experiment to see what will grow on our stoop and how well, so there isn't much other than berries and a few herbs and tomatoes. 

Michael has been a very good helper bee with preparing the garden:

The above photo is of four generations (my grandmother, mother, myself and my son). This was taken on Mother's Day and is very precious to me.

Last year on the same day, we took a photo of the four of us, hoping that Grandma would live through her Alzheimers Disease to meet her first great-grandchild and the Lord granted that prayer. She loves the little guy and I must say, the feeling is quite mutual.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

I used to think Mother's Day was overated. The cards, the flowers, waxy chocolates purchased at the very last possible moment before mum woke up to eat the overcooked scrambled eggs and gulp down the watery coffee. It all seemed so commercial. And then, I woke up to this and it all changed my mind:

I still think Mother's Day is a bit of a scam- one day to celebrate our mothers, like them or not, and then forget to call, visit, or otherwise thank them for all the time, effort, money, and love they poured into our lives. I realize that this may upset a few mothers out there, and I'm okay with that. I'm not against Mother's Day itself, just the idea that we only need to honor them one day a year. 

Let's remember why we are mothers, let's remember why we love and appreciate our mothers. Let's take this day and stretch it out a little longer than one short season.

To my own mother- I love you. Thank you for helping to shape me into who I am today. Thank you for teaching how to be a mother to my own child. I love you.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

New Home

Today our little family moved into a lovely new apartment with enough room for play, dining and breathing. I'm sorry it's been so long since I have last updated this blog, but I want you to know it hasn't been forgotten. I'll try to post again next week......