Sunday, March 17, 2013

I Couldn't Wait...

Remember how I was so excited about this yarn? It is destined to become a Suki shawl and I had planned to begin this treat of knitting in June on the trip up to Seattle.

Well, plans change. I couldn't wait and have already started it. The Seattle project will still be a shawl, just not this one...Maybe I'll wear this one to the graduation...and maybe, there will be a quaint little yarn shop where I might find some new friends for the stash...


  1. I like the colors you've picked for the Suki shawl - lovely contrast!

    1. Thank you so much! You are actually the very first person to comment on anything I have posted; I was starting to think that only a few people that actually read my blog. I hope you enjoy future postings :)

  2. :) You're so cute! About 99% of the comments on my blog are from my family, although every once in a while someone cool (like you!) stops by and says hi. Keep writing - I'll be back!
