Friday, April 26, 2013

Date Night

Last night, something exciting happened. I wish I could say that I bought some new yarn or finished eight of my WIP's, but this event was equally exciting. Alex and I had went out on a date night! He has been with the Fred Meyer grocery store for five years and last night was a big fancy dinner for all the employees of the company that have made to this mark.

It was very exciting. Alex got and award and we dressed up and had fancy (and free) food, and I even got some work done on the current sock project. It was a great night.

It was a pear salad with a raspberry vinaigrette

This was some sort of beef dish. I had two bites of the meat and ate the mashed potatoes and beans.

And there was tea! My favorite too.

And here is my handsome husband with his award. I forgot to take a better picture after the dinner, so this is what you get to see.
As a knitter, I had to figure out what the evening's project was going to be. I didn't want anything to flashy that would draw attention to myself (that left out the bright sparkly pink scarf) and it couldn't be anything with a chart (no sweater either) and it had to be small enough to fit in my little yellow purse. I decided (after an hour of thinking) that I would stick with the ordered pair of socks for my mother's friend.
All was going well with the socks until I got to the heel and realized I was four stitches short. So, I fudged I it a little bit and just kept going. It's also a few rows too long, but I figure that after a good washing and blocking, nobody but me is going to know. Unless of course the recipient finds that they fit very differently on each foot; but I'll cross that bridge if it comes.
It's beautiful and sunny this morning. If you can, go out and enjoy it.




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