Monday, September 23, 2013


Awhile back I posted this little number. There is a matching sweater to go along with it but it still looks like this:

That little bit on the needles is the second sleeve so there has been some progress made. Perhaps by the end of the day I will have a matching set of sleeves. If the Knitting Muses are in a good mood, I may even have them attached to body of the sweater. And, (here is where the wishful thinking comes into play. That, or my delusions of actually finishing something...) I may even have the wee wooly finished by the end of the week!

Of course, for that to happen, I would need to neglect all housework, ignore the husband and his need for dinner every night, and (the hardest part) not knit anything else (except the WB and that one sock...) until this project has been sewn together, washed blocked and fully appreciated by all who see it.

I'm sipping tea right now while deciding upon the best course of action to bring all the pieces together by the end of the weekend. What are you doing?

1 comment:

  1. I so want to knit this sweater. It is easily the most adorable thing I've ever seen.
