Wednesday, November 11, 2015

It's Coming. Very Quickly.

The little one is finally sleeping. At least, I think he is. I put him in his crib a bit ago and I haven't heard any screaming since then so I think we are in the clear. Alex is away at work but will be coming home soon and the house is quiet, save for the comforting sound of the radio and the pitter patter of cat paws over the floor. The knitting is going about as well as can be expected. There has been a gift finished (except for the buttons) and another one started.

Also, if you remember that lovely alpaca farm I discovered a few month ago, you might remember that somehow, a few hanks of that delicious wool made it into the car with us and found its way onto a set of DPNs and is now almost a whole mitten. I tried it on today and imagined just how amazing it is going to be to strut parade wear my treasures when I go out in public, even if only for a few minutes.

You may be thinking, "how can you find time to knit a gift for yourself? You have only weeks until Christmas and the other projects aren't done yet.." Yes, that's true, but that happens every year. This year, at least I will look fabulous while wrapping the cheap last minute dollar store crap that is replacing this years hand knit socks. Again.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The First Year

Dear Michael,

Today marks a very special day in our family. This is your first birthday and there is much to celebrate. You came into this world a tiny baby with bright eyes and smiles. It's true, you started smiling at your daddy and me when you were just s few hours old. I didn't know that was possible. We swaddled you when you were cranky, gave you baths, nursed you through the night, and played with you until you finally fell asleep at the end of the day. This past year you have had 4 teeth come in, learned to walk, and learned how to say no fewer than 5 words. We are so proud of you already.

Today, Little Bright Eyes, we are going to celebrate your birthday with our family. We are going to have cake, and presents, and fun with the people that we hold most dear in our hearts. You are so loved, Michael Jefferson. Yesterday, when we took you to the pumpkin patch, and you climbed that big pyramid of hay with your daddy, I couldn't help but get a little teary-eyed, becuase you are growing up so fast. It won't be long before you tell us "I can do it myself now". 

Sometimes I watch you sleep and I pray you could stay a baby for just a little longer so I can hold on to you for just a little while more. There are a lot of things I want to share here on this blog, but I think I'm just going to leave it here. I love you Michael. Happy First Birthday.

Love, Mama

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

And Now, a Sweater

We have a lovely family that has grown exponentially over the last few years. There have been marriages, girlfriends, boyfriends, and now babies. It is a good time for the Headrick clan. Cousin Amy had her son, Liam, just a few weeks ago and is settling in (rather happily) into motherhood. He is a beautiful child with dark hair an bright eyes with all the innocence that comes along with being freshly born.

He is Michael's first cousin. A playmate and a little friend to grow up with, playing the games their parents played as youngsters and listening to the same stories of our family history. It will be a wonderful thing to watch. And, they can do it in what else but matching sweaters. Yes, my wool-loving friends, I have taken on another project for Christmas. It's shocking, I know, because the list of Christmas knits is already lengthy and there are only so many weeks to finish and....well, I decided that it doesn't matter.

So, here is a photo of the wee wooly. I'm hoping to finish this one by the end of the week and then start the second.

There have been several attempts at this pattern from Elizabeth Zimmerman. It is her Baby Surprise Jacket and this is the farthest I have ever gotten on any of those attempts. This time, I think it will actually make it to the end. It even looks like a sweater.....

Thursday, October 8, 2015


For the past several months, we have all been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the second great-grandbaby and since last night, we are closer to meeting the little guy. Amy is now laboring and getting closer to meeting her son and we are all so excited about this. Babies do something strange to people.

They have this strong magic that pulls people to them. I think it's because they start out so fresh and new and innocent and represent everything that is good in this world. They have those irresistibly smooshy cheeks and itty-bitty toes and when they smile and giggle it is like music to the soul.

They are perfect and precious. And the best thing about it all?

You can put them in something wooly and wee and warm and they are too young to put up a fuss.

I love you cousin Amy and I can hardly wait to meet your son. Welcome to the terrifying, exciting, most amazing club you will ever be a part of. Welcome to Motherhood.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

This Year I Have A Plan. Sort of.

As of today, there are exactly 98 days until Christmas. That sounds scary to some people (like the knitting population that has yet to finish their items, perhaps even start them....) But, this year, I have devised a plan. Stop that laughing. 

It's true. I know, this happens every year. I put a small dent, crater, into our bank account, building up the wool that will be magically knitted up into socks, hats, mittens, sweaters, etc. for the few loved ones that have albeit warily, supported each of my knitting endeavors, spend countless hours knitting and dreaming of the looks on their faces, only to find myself the week before Christmas staying up late, cursing, drinking eggnog by the gallon and wondering what exactly I was thinking when I thought that those colors would look good together....

It's awful. But not this year. I have a plan. Sort of.

This is the current list of recipients. There are a few additions since you last saw this list. Note, this is due to a minor lapse in my memory this afternoon as I was knitting away and realized that I forgot a few people. Better to remember now than not have anything to give them, right? The items in red have been completed.

Mother: MittensFather: Socks
Mother-In-Law: Mittens
Father-In-Law: Socks
Brother #1: Socks
Brother #2: Mittens
Sister-In-Law: Socks
Sister: Sweater
Sister's Fiance: Socks
Husband: Socks
Son: Sweater
Friend: Shawl
Swap (Male): Hat
Swap (Female): Mittens

Now, I know this doesn't look like much, but here are the items that are in progress:

Mother: Mittens
Father: SocksMother-In-Law: Mittens
Father-In-Law: SocksBrother #1: Socks
Brother #2: Mittens
Sister-In-Law: Socks
Sister: SweaterSister's Fiance: Socks
Husband: SocksSon: Sweater
Friend: Shawl
Swap (Male): Hat
Swap (Female): Mittens

That means, that of the 14 projects I have planned out, I only have 6 that need to be started. That's less than half of the usual Christmas List. See, progress.

Now, onto my plan. I share this list with any other Knitters out there that need some guidance to that beautiful land called Finished Projects.

1) Make sure to assemble all of your materials now. If you still need to purchase the wool for your mother's sweater, this is the time to do it. This will save you from realizing 1 week before she is going to open her gift from you that you do not actually have a gift for her.

2) Assemble project baskets/bags around you. Put your pattern, yarn, and notions together and make sure that you never leave the house without one. I have started keeping one in my car, and even in the bathroom (you may be surprised how often you find yourself perched on the back of the toilet, working on a sock. If anybody comments on your frequent trips to the bathroom, blame the fruitcake that your husband's grandmother sent).

3) Make it clear that someone else will need to do the cooking while you finish the Christmas Knits. This would not work very well in our home as I am the primary chef, and were I to leave the duty to my husband, we would be living on canned chili and the occasional Stouffers lasagna for the next 98 days. Unless you enjoy those foods, delegate wisely.

4) Be sure to have your box of tissues and beverage of choice in stock. If you need a further explanation, keep reading.

5) Know where (and if you even have) gift wrap, bags, ribbons, etc., located. It's embarrassing gifting a beautiful hand knit sweater to somebody in a beat-up plastic grocery bag.

6) Pop in a Christmas (or 3) and hunker down. Take the couch, your favorite chair, the entire living room, if you have to, and make it known that this is your space until all of the knitting is done. Should someone catch you crying, and perhaps swearing under your breath, grab your tissues and hot chocolate and say that the tears are because you "just can't help getting a little emotional" when the Grinch's heart grows and he befriends all the Whos in Whoville. They need not know it's because you spotted a very large hole 48 rows back on that lovely cabled sock that has taken up 13 hours of your life.

7) If you are somehow roped into going to a gathering where there will be food, music and lots of good cheer, make a note of #2 and bring along a project. Smaller items like socks are easier to tote along than, say, a king sized afghan.

8) Relax. It is Christmas after all.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

It Is Coming. And Quickly.

There are this many days until Christmas and while I realize that for a normal person with absolutely no obligations and responsibilities in life this probably is not a big deal. But, for a knitting mama like me with a job, husband and at least a dozen projects that still need casting-on before The Big Day, that's a wee bit scary.

My list right now, looks something like this:

Mother: Mittens
Father: Socks
Mother-In-Law: Mittens
Father-In-Law: Socks
Brother #1: Socks
Brother #2: Mittens
Sister-In-Law: Socks
Sister: Sweater
Sister's Fiance: Socks
Husband: Socks
Son: Sweater
Friend: Shawl

These gifts are all over the board right now. Some of them have been finished already (I felt pretty optimistic back in July) and some have been started and stashed in clever places throughout the house so I am never more than a few feet away from a project at any time, and the rest haven't even been matched up with patterns and yarn.

This will be a good year. It will be a great year. Know why? Becuase this year every single ball of wool in my stash will be stiched up into a lovely cherished item and gifted to the people I hold closest to my heart. This year, I will knit every moment I have in between laundry and dishes and spit-up and tending to my husband. This year- why are you giggling? It could happen. I have heard stories of success from other Knitters, why not me?

I'll keep you all posted.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

I'm Sure It Was Fate. Or Something.

Yesterday was lovely. I spent some time with my sister-in-love, Heather; hiking, talking, eating, and oh yes, visiting an alpaca farm.

I needed some time away from changing poppy diapers and yelling at the cat and she needed some time away from her husband before she strangled him (he has been canning all summer and when that extra warmth is added to a wee apartment with no air-conditioning, more than the air gets a little heated...)

So, off we went.

We had plans of hiking around Silver Falls State Park and Promontory Park. We did make it to Promontory and drove around for a while before circling back after about 20 minutes only to find that the park is "closed for renovations". Huh. That would explain why we couldn't figure out where to enter the park.

We got a little turned around and did not make it to Silver Falls, so we hiked around Metzler Park for a while. It was a lovely hike; not too strenuous and the weather was perfect. On the way home to find something to eat, we passed by an alpaca farm. Of course the knitter in me was shouting at the driver to "stop the car now!", but Heather beat me too it. She is not a knitter, but understands that time to oneself is important.

Turning around we drove to the gate of the farm and pushed the button on the speaker. The voice came on and informed us that they were closed but they opened the gate anyway. We went through the gate and turned around before realizing that there was no button to push to get back out. There was a big truck coming up behind us and a very tall gentleman came up to our car and offered to show us around. Of course at this point we had to stay.

Anyway, one thing led to another and before we knew it, we were petting alpacas and buying wool. I had to. It's a knitter thing. Or Fate. Or something.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

He Will Be Missed

As I am typing this, the house is quiet. It is not completely silent, but peaceful ad calm. Michael is still curled up in his crib, little bum up in the air and tiny hands folded under his chin. Alex is also sleeping and the little fur ball Dorito is doing his morning survey of the place. I am enjoying this time. It is rare and precious to me.  Especially this morning.

In just a few hours our family will be at the cemetery to witness the military honors at my grandfather's funeral. He went home to The Lord last Thursday and there were many tears shed. It is heartbreaking having to say goodbye but we rest in the comforting knowledge that this goodbye is not forever. If you are interested, you can read his obituary here.

Pompa, there are a lot of things I want to share but right now, I'm going to keep them close to my heart.  I have many wonderful memories of you and will cherish them always. I love you.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

It Is Going To Be Hot

As I type this, I can hardly see what I'm typing. My eyes have been a little fuzzy and reading has been a bit of a challenge. A trip to the eye doctor is in the (hopefully) near future and we will get this little issue cleared up. In the meantime, the posts until then may be riddled with typos for which I apologize in advance.

Now, onto more important bloggings. Cousin Amy is still pregnant, which is a good thing becuase it means more time to knit and possibly have somethings finished and off the needles for her son before he turns thirteen. Mum has been knitting away too. This is the second great-grandbaby, and he comes from a long line of knitters. He will never know what it is to be cold...

Michael is currently sleeping and that makes me ever so happy. It means I actually have a few minutes to sit down and pound out a post and possibly get in a spot of knitting. Or sleeping. They are both important and I am not sure yet which one is more so....

It has been hot, hot, hot in Portland lately. The weatherman (if you trust what he says), is predicting triple-digit numbers this coming weekend and that makes me a little crazy. What, exactly, does one knit when the forcast is calling for temperatures so hot an egg can be fried on the sidewalk in 2 minutes? I don't know, but whatever I stitch on will be done so poolside next to a tray of refreshments. The only things that could make that better is if there were a handsome pool boy whispering in my ear, "hey cutie, are you doing that English Style or Continental?"

Friday, June 5, 2015

What Do I Knit?

Today is Friday. On any calendar, this is just another day of the week but for me, this is special. Why? Becuase I have started a new job and my days off are now Thursdays and Fridays. Today will be spent running earrands, doing housework, snuggling with the kid, and possibly knitting. That last one is really more wishful thinking as the rest of the list will take up most of my day.

In a little less than two weeks our little clan will be traveling to Mt. Rainier where Michael will visit his very first full-fledged naitonal park. It is very exciting. I have mostly figured out what we will be taking for food and what pictures will be taken when we get there, but there is still one question that needs to be determined: "What do I knit?"

This will be a three hour drive (not including the time we need to stop to feed and change the kid) and it is imperative that I have something to keep my hands busy so I don't go completely bonkers. There might be another one of these to keep in the tradition of my National Park Knitting, but we shall see.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

I'll Take It

These have been challenging days in the Daniecki home. This little dumpling has been awake at all hours of the night and up bright and early (this morning, it was 5am). 

I'm sure that I have mentioned a few times on this blog that motherhood is demanding and very exhausting. It's interesting, it's not at all what I had imagined it to be like. Neither is marriage. When I was a little girl I knew that I wanted to be a wife and a mother but I learned quickly that those two things are very different from the games of dress up, playing house, and walking the dollies that filled the time of the only three girls in our family when we were together.

I longed to be married and to have a child. I wanted to be the smiling wife that would cook delicious meals for her man and the charming mama that would dote upon her children and bake cookies for their little friends when they came over. Then it happened.

Fast-forward several years and here we are. My dreams have come true and I am indeed a wife and a mother, but not that stereotypical lady from the 1950s that has it all together. No, that is definately not me.

My hair is never coiffed (no time for the beauty parlor), the house never smells like cookies (instead, there is potpourri hidden in clever places to cover up the small of Michael's latest diaper blow-out), and Alex has come to accept that our usual dinner hour is around 11pm.

There are mountains of laundry (sometimes clean and just needing to be put away), the dishes are constantly piled up, and the cat, well, the cat has learned to fend for himself. 

But, despite the frazzled theme that is my life, I'll take it. I'll take it because it is by far the biggest blessing I have been given. It is a gift to have a child, a home together, and a man that understands and doesn't say anything when he has no clean socks and I burned dinner again because the baby needed some attention. I'll take it because it is mine.

Enjoy your day and enjoy the little video below- outside time is one of Michael's favorite things to do.

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Yesterday our family got some lovely news. About Easter time we learned that another great-grandbaby is on the way and yesterday we learned that the wee child is a boy. Liam will be joining the Headrick family in October and his parents (my cousin Amy and her man, Stephen) couldn't be happier.

This is all so exciting. This is a new year full of new blessings and it's wonderful to see the family growing. Of course, this means that another sweater (or twelve) will be in the works (including the one my mum is stitching up for her). Michael will have another playmate, and Grandma will have one more reason to get out of bed each morning and fight her Alzheimer's.

These are good changes. Now, if you will excuse me, there is a sweater that needs to be cast on.

Friday, May 15, 2015


We had a rough start to today. Alex is sick, Michael has been fussy (teething pain is awful) and Rito just wants attention. Right now, they are all sleeping and I am so thankful! I am updating my blog, enjoying the peace, and having a bit of a knit on something wee to keep my son warm. We are all settled into our new home and are enjoying the extra space. The garden this year is more of an experiment to see what will grow on our stoop and how well, so there isn't much other than berries and a few herbs and tomatoes. 

Michael has been a very good helper bee with preparing the garden:

The above photo is of four generations (my grandmother, mother, myself and my son). This was taken on Mother's Day and is very precious to me.

Last year on the same day, we took a photo of the four of us, hoping that Grandma would live through her Alzheimers Disease to meet her first great-grandchild and the Lord granted that prayer. She loves the little guy and I must say, the feeling is quite mutual.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

I used to think Mother's Day was overated. The cards, the flowers, waxy chocolates purchased at the very last possible moment before mum woke up to eat the overcooked scrambled eggs and gulp down the watery coffee. It all seemed so commercial. And then, I woke up to this and it all changed my mind:

I still think Mother's Day is a bit of a scam- one day to celebrate our mothers, like them or not, and then forget to call, visit, or otherwise thank them for all the time, effort, money, and love they poured into our lives. I realize that this may upset a few mothers out there, and I'm okay with that. I'm not against Mother's Day itself, just the idea that we only need to honor them one day a year. 

Let's remember why we are mothers, let's remember why we love and appreciate our mothers. Let's take this day and stretch it out a little longer than one short season.

To my own mother- I love you. Thank you for helping to shape me into who I am today. Thank you for teaching how to be a mother to my own child. I love you.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

New Home

Today our little family moved into a lovely new apartment with enough room for play, dining and breathing. I'm sorry it's been so long since I have last updated this blog, but I want you to know it hasn't been forgotten. I'll try to post again next week......

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Today is Thursday and a little wonky. Not that all of my Thursdays are wonky, but I think this one will be. Alex worked the early shift today so he had to get up at 4am. Michael decided this would be the time that he also would wake up. So, here we go again. I got up to feed the boy and then we snuggled for a bit. Actually, we snuggled a lot, because when I finally woke up and looked at the clock it read 9:47am. Wow, I was more exhausted than I thought.

So now we are both up and fed and getting started on our day. Right now, Michael is talking to the little boy in the mirror and practicing his crawling skills. That's right, he's crawling now! And teething. Oh the teething. I think I may need a vacation from the kid before they come in- the crying, the drool, the late nights. Oye. He is sitting up on his own now too- it's amazing how fast he is growing. Every week he is doing something new.

He is kind of starting solids- not too sure about them yet

Learning to use a napkin after meals (you're welcome to his future wife...)

Making new friends

Dying Easter eggs!

We have started going to the park (he's not sure about the sunglasses, but I think they are rather cute...)

And of course, we are teaching him to read- this is my favorite children's book The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

I would love to write more, but Michael has a cat toy stuffed in his mouth...Love to you all, and I'll try to write again soon.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I Wouldn't Trade This For Anything

Life has been a little busy since we brought Michael home. A typical day with him looks something like this:

7am: Daddy and Mama finally fall into something that resembles sleep when we hear the familiar cooing and slapping of feet in the crib. Mama wakes up and goes to tend the we one.

9am: The wee one has been fed, changed, snuggled, and is now talking to the cat and playing with his toes.

11am: For the past two hours, Michael has been chatting away. He has been fed, changed, snuggled, taken outside for a walk, and been told at least three times that he is extremely cute.

2pm: I'm not sure who invented the idea that babies should be placed on a nap schedule as early as possible, but I think that they should meet our son. For the past three hours, he has been screaming ad crying his little heart out to anyone that will listen- with walls as thin as ours, that would be at least two of our neighbors. He has been fed, changed, snuggled, told stories to, walked around, and given many kisses.

5pm: After a forty seven minute nap, Alex is home now and I'm off to work.

7pm: Michael has been fed, changed, snuggled, walked, fed again, and much to the dismay of his daddy, is still wide awake and very grumpy.

9pm: I'm home from work and both daddy and child are in tears and in great need of mama.

11pm: Michael has been fed, snuggled, in fresh clothes (again) and is now sleeping again.

1am: There is stirring from the crib- looking over, there is Michael smiling and waning to eat again.

5am: Michael has been snuggled, fed, changed, walked around, burped and put back into his own bed.

8am: I finally feel like I'm falling asleep when I hear the familiar slapping of feet and cooing. As exhausted as I am, I wouldn't trade this for anything.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

In Case You Were Wondering

I've been informed that it has been some time (read: over a month) since I have last posted anything onto this blog. So, here goes. This post, brought to you with love by moi.

How To Infuriate a Knitter:

1) Drive by any building that has the words "wool, knitting, or sheep" in them.

2) Hide the knitting.

3) Should the Knitter in your life spend 47 hours of their life on a pair of intricately cabled socks, be sure to wear them exactly once before claiming that "they are not really your color".

4) When cleaning the house, be sure to deposit the knitting within reach of small sticky children and the cat. Extra anger will be guarenteed if this is done to projects worked in very expensive fibers.

5) Plan all of your family vacations with a route that does not pass by any of buildings that contain the words "wool, knitting or sheep".

6) After putting on the sweater that your Knitter stitched for 5 months, take extra care to find only the pointiest nails that you might unravel it upon.

7) Create a knitting budget and then be sure to put a limit of $5 or less. This is sure to do the trick; no knitter can follow that.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Happy Birthday to Me

Good morning my knitting (and non-knitting) friends! Today is my birthday; I won't tell you how old I am (partly because I stopped counting, and mostly because now that I have a child, I need to conserve my few remaining brain cells for more important information). Last night was lovely. When I came home from work, this is what greeted me at the door:

Michael bought me a birthday card :)

These are from my Uncle and Aunt- they really add a lovely spot of colour to our stoop.

Among the cards and gifts was the book Unbroken. It was on my wishlist, so this is very exciting. It has  been a lovely birthday and it's almost over. It's past eleven-o-clock at night and I'm finally able to finish this post (it was started sometime this afternoon), but each moment is being savored, like a piece of fine chocolate. My husband and son are snuggled up in the bed together and fast asleep, there is a bit of knitting on the needles for a dear friend of mine, and the promise of a new day is just around the corner. Until next time, goodnight.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A Letter

Dear Elizabeth,

We need to talk. I know, those are the four words no woman ever wants to hear, but I feel they must be said. You see, you cast me one well over a year and a half a go an I'm still waiting to be cast off. I remember when we first met. It was a lovely spring day when you sat down in front of your computer and started going through the photos. You wanted to find "the one". That special fiber that you would spend a pretty decent chunk of your life with. And then, after about an hour of waiting, you found me.

I was there on your screen almost pleading that you give me a chance. So many others just looked at me once and went the other way in search of something better. But you were different. One look at is was love at first sight. Sure, I'm a cheap superwash and the yardage isn't so great, but you saw what was inside; you saw the sweater that would be knit for your sister.

After you placed the order and put a small hole in the checking account (did you ever tell Alex about that?) you gathered the remaining supplies you would need for our relationship- needles, stitch markers, pattern. You also cast on another project while you awaited my arrival at your door. I didn't know this of course until after we met face to face, but you told me "it's just a sock, it will be over soon" and I was foolish enough to believe you.

We had a good run for a while. Your showed me the sights around your town, we went shopping together, you introduced me to your coworkers, you took me to church. But all the while, you were casting on other projects and claiming they "weren't as fun" as I was. It hurt.

Remember the week you spent trying to figure out the hood? Finally, you got it (and as a thank you for your mother helping you with the stitch counts, you cast on another project). I was proud of you, and a little saddened. Did those hours of hard work mean nothing?

Then you decided that your sister would prefer a pull-over style and continued our relationship until about the length reached right about the middle of her torso. I've been waiting patiently. I know you just had a baby and your husband requires a hot meal every now and then but for crying out loud Liz! Could you at least knit my sleeves in? I'm right there by the door, waiting for you to pick me up when you go out again. Just give me a chance, I promise the end result will be worth it.

Ever Yours,

Naomi's Sweater

P.S.- if I hear that you cast on another project before you finish me, I will show the moths where you keep the angora....

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Still Here

Hello my dears! Right now I am enjoying a break from the wee boy that is my son. Actually, it's only sort of a break, as he is lying not ten feet away and finally taking his morning nap. For being three months old, Michael is rather opinionated and was very vocal about not wanting to fall asleep. His sleeping schedule has been a bit challenging lately. But when we finally get him down for his naps, I know that there are exactly forty-seven minutes that are mine, all mine. Give or take a few.

I use this time to catch up on the knitting, the house work, and if I'm lucky, a shower or the cooking. It's exhausting, it's messy, and hard work, but being a mama is absolutely a wonderful gift.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Knitting Friends! I hope you all had a safe and lovely celebration. Michael celebrated with the tiniest bit of "sparkly juice" (what Alex calls sparkling cider) and a nap. We had a nice time ringing in 2015.

I wish you all well as we begin this new year. May it be full of blessings, laughter, joy and good things.

I made soup the other night and this is what I found in the pot. I had forgotten that I hid it in there- safekeeping from the cat...

This is the obligatory naked baby picture. Someday he will bring home a girl and I will show her this...