Thursday, September 17, 2015

This Year I Have A Plan. Sort of.

As of today, there are exactly 98 days until Christmas. That sounds scary to some people (like the knitting population that has yet to finish their items, perhaps even start them....) But, this year, I have devised a plan. Stop that laughing. 

It's true. I know, this happens every year. I put a small dent, crater, into our bank account, building up the wool that will be magically knitted up into socks, hats, mittens, sweaters, etc. for the few loved ones that have albeit warily, supported each of my knitting endeavors, spend countless hours knitting and dreaming of the looks on their faces, only to find myself the week before Christmas staying up late, cursing, drinking eggnog by the gallon and wondering what exactly I was thinking when I thought that those colors would look good together....

It's awful. But not this year. I have a plan. Sort of.

This is the current list of recipients. There are a few additions since you last saw this list. Note, this is due to a minor lapse in my memory this afternoon as I was knitting away and realized that I forgot a few people. Better to remember now than not have anything to give them, right? The items in red have been completed.

Mother: MittensFather: Socks
Mother-In-Law: Mittens
Father-In-Law: Socks
Brother #1: Socks
Brother #2: Mittens
Sister-In-Law: Socks
Sister: Sweater
Sister's Fiance: Socks
Husband: Socks
Son: Sweater
Friend: Shawl
Swap (Male): Hat
Swap (Female): Mittens

Now, I know this doesn't look like much, but here are the items that are in progress:

Mother: Mittens
Father: SocksMother-In-Law: Mittens
Father-In-Law: SocksBrother #1: Socks
Brother #2: Mittens
Sister-In-Law: Socks
Sister: SweaterSister's Fiance: Socks
Husband: SocksSon: Sweater
Friend: Shawl
Swap (Male): Hat
Swap (Female): Mittens

That means, that of the 14 projects I have planned out, I only have 6 that need to be started. That's less than half of the usual Christmas List. See, progress.

Now, onto my plan. I share this list with any other Knitters out there that need some guidance to that beautiful land called Finished Projects.

1) Make sure to assemble all of your materials now. If you still need to purchase the wool for your mother's sweater, this is the time to do it. This will save you from realizing 1 week before she is going to open her gift from you that you do not actually have a gift for her.

2) Assemble project baskets/bags around you. Put your pattern, yarn, and notions together and make sure that you never leave the house without one. I have started keeping one in my car, and even in the bathroom (you may be surprised how often you find yourself perched on the back of the toilet, working on a sock. If anybody comments on your frequent trips to the bathroom, blame the fruitcake that your husband's grandmother sent).

3) Make it clear that someone else will need to do the cooking while you finish the Christmas Knits. This would not work very well in our home as I am the primary chef, and were I to leave the duty to my husband, we would be living on canned chili and the occasional Stouffers lasagna for the next 98 days. Unless you enjoy those foods, delegate wisely.

4) Be sure to have your box of tissues and beverage of choice in stock. If you need a further explanation, keep reading.

5) Know where (and if you even have) gift wrap, bags, ribbons, etc., located. It's embarrassing gifting a beautiful hand knit sweater to somebody in a beat-up plastic grocery bag.

6) Pop in a Christmas (or 3) and hunker down. Take the couch, your favorite chair, the entire living room, if you have to, and make it known that this is your space until all of the knitting is done. Should someone catch you crying, and perhaps swearing under your breath, grab your tissues and hot chocolate and say that the tears are because you "just can't help getting a little emotional" when the Grinch's heart grows and he befriends all the Whos in Whoville. They need not know it's because you spotted a very large hole 48 rows back on that lovely cabled sock that has taken up 13 hours of your life.

7) If you are somehow roped into going to a gathering where there will be food, music and lots of good cheer, make a note of #2 and bring along a project. Smaller items like socks are easier to tote along than, say, a king sized afghan.

8) Relax. It is Christmas after all.

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