Sunday, August 30, 2015

It Is Coming. And Quickly.

There are this many days until Christmas and while I realize that for a normal person with absolutely no obligations and responsibilities in life this probably is not a big deal. But, for a knitting mama like me with a job, husband and at least a dozen projects that still need casting-on before The Big Day, that's a wee bit scary.

My list right now, looks something like this:

Mother: Mittens
Father: Socks
Mother-In-Law: Mittens
Father-In-Law: Socks
Brother #1: Socks
Brother #2: Mittens
Sister-In-Law: Socks
Sister: Sweater
Sister's Fiance: Socks
Husband: Socks
Son: Sweater
Friend: Shawl

These gifts are all over the board right now. Some of them have been finished already (I felt pretty optimistic back in July) and some have been started and stashed in clever places throughout the house so I am never more than a few feet away from a project at any time, and the rest haven't even been matched up with patterns and yarn.

This will be a good year. It will be a great year. Know why? Becuase this year every single ball of wool in my stash will be stiched up into a lovely cherished item and gifted to the people I hold closest to my heart. This year, I will knit every moment I have in between laundry and dishes and spit-up and tending to my husband. This year- why are you giggling? It could happen. I have heard stories of success from other Knitters, why not me?

I'll keep you all posted.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

I'm Sure It Was Fate. Or Something.

Yesterday was lovely. I spent some time with my sister-in-love, Heather; hiking, talking, eating, and oh yes, visiting an alpaca farm.

I needed some time away from changing poppy diapers and yelling at the cat and she needed some time away from her husband before she strangled him (he has been canning all summer and when that extra warmth is added to a wee apartment with no air-conditioning, more than the air gets a little heated...)

So, off we went.

We had plans of hiking around Silver Falls State Park and Promontory Park. We did make it to Promontory and drove around for a while before circling back after about 20 minutes only to find that the park is "closed for renovations". Huh. That would explain why we couldn't figure out where to enter the park.

We got a little turned around and did not make it to Silver Falls, so we hiked around Metzler Park for a while. It was a lovely hike; not too strenuous and the weather was perfect. On the way home to find something to eat, we passed by an alpaca farm. Of course the knitter in me was shouting at the driver to "stop the car now!", but Heather beat me too it. She is not a knitter, but understands that time to oneself is important.

Turning around we drove to the gate of the farm and pushed the button on the speaker. The voice came on and informed us that they were closed but they opened the gate anyway. We went through the gate and turned around before realizing that there was no button to push to get back out. There was a big truck coming up behind us and a very tall gentleman came up to our car and offered to show us around. Of course at this point we had to stay.

Anyway, one thing led to another and before we knew it, we were petting alpacas and buying wool. I had to. It's a knitter thing. Or Fate. Or something.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

He Will Be Missed

As I am typing this, the house is quiet. It is not completely silent, but peaceful ad calm. Michael is still curled up in his crib, little bum up in the air and tiny hands folded under his chin. Alex is also sleeping and the little fur ball Dorito is doing his morning survey of the place. I am enjoying this time. It is rare and precious to me.  Especially this morning.

In just a few hours our family will be at the cemetery to witness the military honors at my grandfather's funeral. He went home to The Lord last Thursday and there were many tears shed. It is heartbreaking having to say goodbye but we rest in the comforting knowledge that this goodbye is not forever. If you are interested, you can read his obituary here.

Pompa, there are a lot of things I want to share but right now, I'm going to keep them close to my heart.  I have many wonderful memories of you and will cherish them always. I love you.