Sunday, May 12, 2013

To Mothers Everywere

Today is Mother's Day and I thought perhaps I would write a little something about the mothers in my life that have been so wonderful over the years. First, there is my own mother, Ellie. She's quite a delight. Growing up she made sure each of my brothers and I knew how to cook and manage a house. We spent quite a it of time learning how to go through local adds for the weekly grocery shopping and the best ways to save money. She made clothes for my dolls when I was very young and drove me long hours one season in high school to each of the Speech Team events.

Best of all, she taught me how to knit. Crochet too, but I've stuck with knitting the best. The needles were two silver double points and had old pink rubber tips at the ends. The yarn was a really ugly green and very scratchy. I learned how to purl after hours and when I finally got it, we were both so excited. I haven't stopped knitting since then and among all the things Mom has taught me, knitting will always be a favorite memory.

The next motherly character is Julie, my mother-in-law. She's a wonderful woman and I appreciate her as much as my own mother. She always has a listening ear and has the same love of knitting as I do. People often complain and tell terrible tales of their mother-in-laws, but I really have nothing bad to say about mine. We have always gotten along and have such fun adventures when we get together for tea and trying out new recipes. Best of all, she was ecstatic when Alex and I told her we were getting married. Alex is her only child and to be gaining a daughter-in-law was a lovely thing for her.

These ladies have a very special place in my heart, and always will. They have given me gifts of laughter, joy, wisdom, and overall, been a blessing. I'm not a mother yet, but I really do hope that when that comes, these lovely ladies will still be right there. Happy Mother's Day. I love you both.

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