Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

I used to think Mother's Day was overated. The cards, the flowers, waxy chocolates purchased at the very last possible moment before mum woke up to eat the overcooked scrambled eggs and gulp down the watery coffee. It all seemed so commercial. And then, I woke up to this and it all changed my mind:

I still think Mother's Day is a bit of a scam- one day to celebrate our mothers, like them or not, and then forget to call, visit, or otherwise thank them for all the time, effort, money, and love they poured into our lives. I realize that this may upset a few mothers out there, and I'm okay with that. I'm not against Mother's Day itself, just the idea that we only need to honor them one day a year. 

Let's remember why we are mothers, let's remember why we love and appreciate our mothers. Let's take this day and stretch it out a little longer than one short season.

To my own mother- I love you. Thank you for helping to shape me into who I am today. Thank you for teaching how to be a mother to my own child. I love you.

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