Monday, May 13, 2013

First Harvest

Just a few days ago, the first strawberry in our garden looked like this:

Now, it looks like this: 

There are several on the vines but not yet ready for harvest. I'm dreaming of enough berries to make a pie, tomatoes so plentiful that neighbors and loved ones will see me coming and say, "no more!", and herbs so tasty that my brothers will actually want to eat my cooking. This probably won't happen this season, but dreams are free and it gives me something to look forward to.

If you are wondering, I have not been using any pesticides on my garden. If I do, they will be homemade and natural. This is how the garden on our stoop looks thus far. When I get back to my parents, I will take a picture of our garden there and post it.

The carrots were a dud, I didn't plant them properly, so they will be recycled and the pot used for something else. Any ideas on what to plant?
On Friday, The Knitting and I went on another adventure with Ron, hiking around different places. This is at the Stone Cliff Inn and those boulders were featured in the Twilight movies.
On Saturday there was a birthday in the family. Here is the happy recipient, Cousin Jordan.

I was rather worried that the mitts wouldn't fit, but they did. Perfectly. He's a writer and intends to wear them while working.
Color: Thunderhead


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