Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Instead of Fnishing

I have probably mentioned before that I am not a monogamous knitter. It is extremely impossible for me to stick with only one project at a time. I just get so bored. Fortunately, this does not carry over into any other part of my life* (like my marriage, which I'm sure Alex appreciates). I am proud to say however, that I have managed to complete two pairs of socks this past week and am nearly finished with the mitts for my cousin's birthday on Saturday.

These are for Jeanne's birthday on Thursday

This is the first of a pair for Jordan, to be completed by Saturday**
*I have a hard time staying with one book at a time too.
**This is really just an estimated time frame. It is entirely possible probable that I will not finish them, despite the first only taking two days and I have a long trip to the beach coming up on Thursday.
I wish you all well. I would chat a little longer, but I have my eye on a sexy red yarn with sparkles sitting only an arms length away. The possibilities are endless. What should I do with it?

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